Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Screen If You Wanna Go Faster

On Monday this week I had seven (7!) 'virtual' meetings; telecons, video calls and plain old phone calls. In the world 'before', that would have been a ridiculous notion. And, in reality, it was indeed ridiculous. One call ran over and then I was late to the next two. Mind you, the second of those I had little interest in and it finished on time, so...result! It seems so long since the Skype on Sunday, I can't really remember what I said. In my journal I wrote there were silences, so, once I'd finished my dinner I joined in to fill the void. Whatever I said I believed at the time, yeronna.

I've just commented on Adesola's post about Connectivism. Social media for me comes with the territory. I can cope with it, as I'm a shouty person with opinions. I try hard not to make stupid statements, or to post things as fact if I have no other source. However, I saw this cartoon...

And this seems to be how we draw conclusions these days. Boris does badly at PMQs because, apart from ineptitude, he doesn't have his 'chaps' in the seats behind 'hear, hear-ing' him on. It's social distancing's fault. The misnomer irritates me and I've probably said it before. We are, of course, physically distancing. All this screen time is our effort to avoid social distancing, it's the antidote. It reminds me of an Asimov story, which I think was The Naked Sun. It's science fiction, at least it was when it was written. People stay in their homes and 'socialise' by a kind of projection. The end of your room disappears and is replaced with your friend's room with your friend in it. Like a whole wall is a giant Zoom meeting with one other person, or several. 

Only one Zoom today, but it was being recorded so I had to 'dress up'. I've really got out of the habit and it seemed such a faff. With Black History Month approaching, it seems I'm more 'gob for hire' than 'flavour of the month', but I'll get over it. It's not like I've got much else on.

I'm back teaching next week, doing a face to face class. To be honest I'm a bit anxious about it. We'll see how it goes, fingers crossed, sanitiser at the ready. Don your masks, get set...go!

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