Monday, March 8, 2021

Yoohoo! Back In The Saddle.

Missed the first meeting of the new year. It was on Zoom, I was looking for Skype. Oh well.

So Zoom, then. I've spent days of my life during the last year on Zoom. Funny to see everyone sat watching, caught looking. We had a module 3 meet. I confess I didn't share what I was on about. I did speak up, but only in answer to something someone else said.

Quick explanation, I'm a musician. I've danced as a hobby, which means not all that's talked about goes over my head. I've studied different techniques and I even did Laban Notation, when I was at school, for my Modern Educational Dance exam. However, I am a musician. It's what I've done for over forty years. I'm the middle one in my family's three generations of musicians. A griot dynasty.

My inquiry is called 'What Is Soul?', with the subtext being 'and what is the language we use to describe it?' I am talking to various experts in different fields of the music business, from vocalists to sound engineers, to see if they have a definition and, if so, how they describe it. Analysis is, for me, the most difficult part of the whole task. What conclusions to draw, what those conclusions mean. There will be many hours staring at a blank page. Hopefully, it won't stay that way.

Sunday discussion. I know I saw the time, as I read the post. The page where the link was had a different time. I looked it up the night before, as logging in is such a palaver. So, at the time stated on the 'link' page I logged in. Nothing. After a few goes I waited. Then I went back and discovered it had already happened. I think it may have been for dancers above my pay grade, so probably for the best in the end! Funny how things work out.


  1. I'm interested to hear what you've found so far in the journey of soul. I often feel there is something mystical about feelings in music, how they are evoked, how we respond, that how always made me curious to find out more!

    1. Hi Sam

      My interviewees all tend to start off in the practical and end up in the realm of mystical, as there's no adequate explanation to hand. I'm obliged to follow them.

