Monday, March 15, 2021

All At 'C' - Confused

So I joined a Zoom about the MORE form. It was mostly for Module 2, but I thought it never hurts to have another look and a reminder. Should have goaded me into action, but it hasn't.

Then there was the academic writing Zoom. Useful, but I'm still unconvinced about the use of exclusionary language. If I write about music using that vocabulary, anyone I know connected with music is likely to say "huh?" But hey, I don't make the rules. As I've said before, I just need a glossary. That way I can write in English and then swap out some of the vocabulary.

But enough of that. What's confusing me the most is the blasted website. Things I should be able to find are just not there. I search and follow links down blind alleys and...nothing. If I used a PC instead of a Mac would my entire experience be different? I rather think it would. Hours spent signing in. Leave loads of tabs open, as I may never again find the right pages. Just where the recorded Zoom calls are, I really couldn't say, I've never found them. Presumably they're on a page that won't open in Safari.

Fed up.

1 comment:

  1. What particular terms are you finding difficult to bring into a musical context? as I'm always happy to help offer ideas on this. Most of the time academic language is over used and a balance can be found to ensure what's being written is understood. Musicology as a discipline can often overwhelm and raise some interesting questions as to what extent do we need to find meaning in music. An example of this is lyrical analysis, which as a form can never be precise, it is almost impossible to know why someone has written lyrics without speaking to them about intent! This is about finding the right words and language to fit you.
