Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Post Module 2 Skype

Yesterday I had a plethora of information about Module 2. In the morning I had a Skype session with Adesola, my supervisor, and in the evening there was an open Skype with a Module 2 focus. I have to say I now have a much better handle on how to go forward.

The MORE form looks very official and very daunting. It's set up as a safeguarding tool both for researchers and those who may be included in a study, to avoid any unnecessary harm. It is slanted towards science subjects, but does cover safeguarding vulnerable participants in the arts sector as well. My form is mostly finished, as I started it last term. I had to defer on account of being on tour for so long. It does take a long time, but isn't nearly as complicated as it seems at first. My advice is get stuck in and get it done. Planning your research project is much more work and will take longer.

So that's me, head down, getting on with it. I am, however, looking forward to the Community Skypes, which I hope will keep me on track. I know that those on Module 3 have a group chat and plan group Skypes. Perhaps this is something we could also consider? Although this is a distance learning degree, I went along to the Hendon campus to catch one of the Module 3 presentations last year. It was good to put faces to names, but, more importantly, speak to some of the students and pick their brains a bit. I know this won't be possible for everyone, but the more contact we have with each other, the better, I think. It's a virtual classroom, but a classroom nonetheless.

See y'all at the next one!

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