Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sunday Morning Skype. Early.

9am Sunday morning. No evening option and I'm not a morning person. First Skype from my bed. The over arching theme was 'change'. As soon as the Skype session was over, all I could think of was how many psychotherapists it takes to change a lightbulb. The answer should be one, but the lightbulb has to want to change. My inner cynic says if psychotherapists can't even do that, they should call an electrician.

I have been trying to challenge my bias against spirituality, which I always take to be part of a system of faith. Under this umbrella I would also toss anything you have to believe in for it to work; psychotherapy, mindfulness and Feldenkrais are right there with major world religions. It seems effecting change on long established value systems will require robust and cogent arguments. These I have yet to encounter. Possibly a blind alley, so I'll move on.

After Module One I don't know that my practice itself changed, but the value I placed on it certainly did. My experience really was worth something and maybe I did walk a little taller. I've never been one to rest on my laurels and have always espoused the 'onwards and upwards' maxim. But, pausing a moment to take stock is not an act of vanity. I feel the whole world is doing so right now. So many of us in lockdown, isolation and this new phrase, social distancing. What we mean is, of course, physical distancing. Does using the phrase 'social distancing' affect our concept of what we're doing? It doesn't change what we're doing, in reality, but perhaps if we used the phrase 'physical distancing' people would grasp it more readily. Anyway, many of us currently have time to reflect on the big picture. What sort of world will we have after the pandemic? What sort of world do we want?

Bizarrely, though I have had lots of gigs and teaching cancelled, I seem to have too much to do. Nothing's changed there then. I recently moved and so am trying to find a new corner to work in. However, 'stuff' has to be sorted through and let go of first. And I still have a drum kit in my living room.

Does the lightbulb want to change? Get a grip, it's a lightbulb.

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