Sunday, July 28, 2019

Looking For Ideas

Two days ago I had the opportunity to go to an introduction class to Feldenkrais Method. On more than one occasion, granted maybe only two, I have wondered what it was all about. I thought perhaps it might be akin to Alexander Technique, as it was being offered by the Musicians Union. It's there in the back of my mind that I need ideas for my inquiry, so a bit of exploration is on the cards.

Perhaps it has more resonance if you're injured, or have some movement impairment, or are looking for a solution, or just want to believe. I'm not a believer in anything except keeping your skepticism in a handy pocket. Lying on the floor on a thin piece of foam makes my backside numb. It's not comfortable. My fault, I should have got up and walked around. As usual, when I complain about something, all the others find their voices. Not just me then. I did the exercises too quickly. I zoned out through boredom. MY BUM HURT!! I understand slowing a movement down helps you deconstruct it, but it took too long and we did the same thing too many times.

I asked a few questions at the end. I will make an effort to read a little about Feldenkrais. The explanation sounded a bit like Mindfulness, I said. Apparently, Mindfulness was invented (she may have said developed) by a Feldenkrais practitioner. Of course it was, I said, as skeptic. Just what the world needs, a faith-based movement practice. "It's not faith-based!" "But you believe it works. The very definition!" It's not for me.

I didn't do any research beforehand, but even a cursory glance at Wikipedia leads you to the conclusion their claims don't stand up. All I can say is, if people will pay you for classes, good luck to you! Personally, I've sucked too many eggs by now to keep having someone teach me.

By the way, if anyone knows of any more of these movement practices as complementary therapies, I'd be interested in the tip. I started Yoga as a child, as my dad did it. I've tried Alexander Technique when I did youth theatre and it seemed legit. There must be more of them.

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