Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Post Skype - Module Two (DAN4630)

Well! A strange Wednesday evening at home, going back out on tour tomorrow. Last bit of quiet for a while. However, another breakthrough. I started in on 'Intelligence In The Flesh', recommended by Helen, so some ideas had been running around. Up to this session, I had no idea what I would or could make the subject of my inquiry. Whilst I was listening to others speaking, I came up with two possibilities. Two!! Like buses!! I may not end up using either of them, but having the ideas feels like a relief. Firstly, "when considering the quality of a voice, what is soul?" And secondly, continuing a subject broached in one of my AOL essays, "when being a backing singer, how do I 'dial down' my performance?"

Sorted! I'm on my way. Just a question of all the 'other stuff' I haven't quite got a handle on. Something I do need to turn around is my usual attitude, in that I am used to providing evidence to support my arguments. The notion of asking a question to which I don't already know the answer is, for me, counter-intuitive. I am used to advocating on behalf of an idea or an organisation. What I have to do is wonder. This is something I do passively, whilst I'm doing something else. To actively wonder about something, is new. An example is how I came up with inquiry ideas, whilst I was listening to others talking. Focussing my full attention on an unknown is different for me. Perhaps this isn't quite what I have to do. I'm sure somebody will tell me. Anyway, as an experiment, it would be no bad thing.

Not so worried about methodology. I'm confident I can provide sound arguments for however I choose to proceed. Back in my comfort zone. Now I've got to get on with it. During a tour! Wish me luck...


  1. Hi Rhoda, Thank you for sharing your thoughts yesterday, I found them very enlightening. I liked both your possible research questions, both areas of enquiry sounded fascinating and look forward to hearing which, if either, you choose. I was particularly interested in the idea of investigating the quality of a voice, I can see parallels to dance and the way dancers interpret the steps they are given. Why can some dancers create magic from the steps and others do the same steps, but they are just steps.
    Good Luck on tour and good luck with your research

    1. Hi Catherine

      I've only just been able to reply to your comment, as this application hasn't worked properly with my laptop. Thank you for your comment. As I've realised we only have a very short time to do our research, it seems an idea that is easy for people to understand is the best way forward.

      Take care and good luck yourself!


  2. Hi Rhoda,

    Thank you for this insight into last Wednesday's skype session. Having started back on tour again myself I am currently attempting to juggle all the stresses of living and working away with the stresses of Module 2.
    I can completely relate to you not feeling comfortable focusing on the "unknown" as I myself am so used to working towards a fixed outcome. It seems counter-intuitive to be walking blindly in a certain direction with the hope that an answer will appear.

    I look forward to hearing the decided outcome of your research topic.


    1. Hi Jesse

      As stated above, I've only just been able to respond. I have decided to go with the 'What Is Soul' idea. I am happy to leave this as an open question. I'm sure there is an answer, but the journey is what I need to focus on.

      Take care


  3. Hi Rhona
    I'm glad that you have come up with some research ideas and that the book that Helen recommended has been useful. It's tough working and studying. I'm finding it a constant juggling act, but I'm sure that now you have some ideas you'll soon be well on your way to deciding upon a topic. Good luck

    1. Hi Fiona

      I have decided on a topic. Being on tour is, in a way useful for researching ideas. However, I am now wrestling with the MORE form. I know it's unspecific, but difficult to negotiate when the subject is an art form with no definitive answers.

      Take care

